The gallery of miracles - Berenjena Company

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21 ene 2019

The gallery of miracles

The Night Watch by Rembrandt
Have you ever stopped to think what wonders is the human being capable of doing? Yes, the same one who makes war, death and pain, can also create Art. By nature, humans are capricious. Luckily, we own certain lively spaces that tell us stories about those daring dreamers. They narrated stories of lords and kings and depicted mighty heroes and God-fearing men, sketched everyday scenes or searched for the light reflection in a still life. They carefully achieved the presuppositions of reality when they wanted to transfer all the folds of a dress or the wrinkles of an ancient face. Thanks to them, we can still hear the echo of the seabattles and see how the world was through the eyes of a sculpture. Art is sublime. Art is magic. And that magic is captured in a special place, the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. Top-rated cultural equipment, an organized and comfortable space, appealing to every sense. Everything there is on a large scale; dimensions, quantity, number of visitors... Nevertheless, there is something warm in this place, something that makes you wander searching for the light of the Flemish masters, the wonderful harmony of medieval size and the roots of the History of Holland forged in fire and sacrifice.

The Milkmaid by Vermeer

It is impossible to see the whole magnificence of Rijksmuseum in a single day. A short visit, a couple of hours, to leave you yearning for more. Blessed those who live in Amsterdam, and the ones who always want to come back. We left the gallery of miracles, the place where the human being shows the best face, the face that always lives on. Rijksmuseum, thank you for being.


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